It’s been a very long time since we’ve posted or done much updating to the website. We’ve been very busy remodeling a house and have left Yohelah in her slip most of the time for the last 9 years (wow, that’s a long time).
This blog is about the boat, so we’ll skip the details on the house remodel, but there are some good pix here: house remodel pix

Now it’s time to return to Yohelah and catch up on some deferred maintenance and plan for the future. Honestly, we have always thought about getting older and “going to the dark side” some day and getting a power boat. But at this point we cannot ever imagine selling our sailboat, and hope never to have to. Moorage fees on Bainbridge, though, would be a bummer on a retirement income. So, even though retirement isn’t imminent, we looked ahead and bought a slip for Yohelah at the Poulsbo Yacht Club!

It won’t be as convenient for a day sail around Elliott Bay, or a quick overnight to Blakely Harbor or Blake Island, but financially it just made too much sense.
Now it’s time to start making a list of things we need to get caught up on. First thing is the varnish (isn’t varnish ALWAYS on that list). We’ve been removing the last application. Rob wants to go back to Bristol Finish, so we’ll start with some freshened up toerails soon. And we’ll start bloggging again about sailing locally and getting the boat back out of the slip and the sails up.
Oh, speaking of sails, we were sad to learn that our forever sailmaker Carol Hasse is retiring and selling the loft. We have an order in for a new lightweight headsail that’s much easier to fly than our current asymmetrical spinnaker, and we’re super excited to get that later this year and give it a spin. Definitely more on that later.