When we were in Playa Coco during Papagayo season last winter we met a guy who was singlehanding a Union 36 from the east coast…
Author: Teresa
It’s about 18 miles from Papeete to Cook’s Bay on Moorea. When all our chores were finally done and we headed across the southerly winds…
We first met Robin & Michelle on the boat Warrior in Zihuatanejo when we were so busy with Sailfest in January of 2007. After we…
We’ve been in Papeete for a week now and most of our chores are done. Does it seem like all we do is sail and…
Many cruisers here in the Galapagos are, like ourselves, preparing for their longest voyage to date, and the activity in the harbor is apparent all…
First and most important – Happy Birthday Leslie! OK, now an update. We arrived at San Cristobal Island in the Galapagos mid day on the…
We’re still in Bahia del Coco in Northern Costa Rica after three weeks of visitors and big winds. Coco is at the southern end of…
One of the tiring things about living in a tiny boat is the fact that you can never just open a cupboard, reach in and…
We’ve been in the Pearl Islands for a little over two weeks now and have had a wonderful time. We are traveling in the company…
We were in Panama City for a little over a week at one of the rolliest anchorages we’ve ever been in, at the end of…