Quick update from Zihuatanejo. Yesterday we got to go see the school that the funds earned at SailFest last year helped build. Unfortunately it’s Easter…
We’re on anchor in Las Hadas this morning getting ready to head south. Our trip from La Paz to Tenicatita was not as uneventful as…
Well it’s February now and we’re still in La Paz. But the good news is we’re getting ready to head south soon. Last week Rob…
We came to La Paz at Thanksgiving to start preparing Yohelah for a cruise south to Central America. She weathered her first hurricane season with…
Yup we’re still in Seattle, and unfortunately here to stay for another three months. Rob’s boss is a very persuasive man and now that Rob…
Well here we are back in the big city for the summer. When we were in Alaska last summer in the cold and rain we…
We’ve been two weeks in Tenicatita Bay now and are getting ready to move into Barra de Navidad tomorrow morning. Our two weeks here have…
$940,000MN (Pesos). That’s how much money was raised by SailFest this year. It’s an astounding amount; approximately $88,000 US dollars. They only needed an additional…
Now we’re very involved in a local fund raising event called Sail Fest . This the sixth year of Sail Fest, which is a five…
Well we’re certainly overdue on logs. I didn’t realize it had been an entire month since I had last updated the site. When I last…