Sort by Tying us to the dock while others have breakfast and watch Med mooring is always a challenge The bow is tied to buoys in the slipway Getting the right length between us and the dock to climb off the back of the boat It is a very very busy marina, almost all Europeans There is the required marina restaurant and bar with free wifi Checking in at immigration office This guy is in the police office where we had to leave our boat papers. No match on Google Lens, not sure who he is. Maybe the current police chief? Massively busy marina Sport fishing boats and jet skis ready to go Marina fuel tanks are empty so people schlepping fuel from the street. Hope they refill before we go. Local wine made in Cape Verde. Was actually quite delicious Sam is a YouTube sailing celebrity that Jim & Barbara know. Here is his 28' boat Pretty colonial town And of course the required massive yacht Canaries to Cape Verde VideosPassage Cape Verde to Barbados