Sort by All that we saw of the Brooks Peninsula in the fog Just the tip and the rocks outside In the Bunsby Islands after a long day in the washing machine Looking up the beautiful Quoukinsh Inlet but no time to explore Between the islands in the Bunsbys Tucked back into a corner No one else around for now But again dense forest right up to the edge Stayed 2.5 days and rested and did boat chores In this part of BC there are rocks everywhere Enjoying the beautiful curves that the designer drew into this boat Pretty sweet spot alone in the Bunsby Islands Bunsby was actually a minor character in a Dickens novel. Elsie Hulsizer did the research and found out who it was. One tiny scrap of a beach. If you're traveling with dogs you have to find somewhere to land 2x a day. Mirror image in flat water Mirror image in flat water Mirror image in flat water Mirror image in flat water Mirror image in flat water Mirror image in flat water Sunset in the Bunsby Islands with company from Victoria YCMore SunsetMore SunsetMore SunsetDoug and Sandra on Leigh Anne from La Conner. Met on the dock in Rumble BeachLeigh Anne in the Bunsby Islands Quatsino SoundKyuquot Sound