Sort by The very old gate to the city Lynn at Chefchaouen The buildings are painted blue, The most popular theory for this is that after WWII, when the Jewish community in the area grew as people fled Nazi… Here is the wall of the original fortress The original wall at the top of the houses Very much a community where people are living, not just for tourists The stream from the hills feeds a place to clean the fresh fruit We stop for a glass of pomegranate juice. It was delicious and different from ours at home The hats, I've got to say, are ridiculous. I can't believe this is traditional in any way Juicing the pomegranate Seats along the lower part of the hillside The upper corner of the old fortress This guy looked lost and hungry. I was sad I had nothing to feed him and he did not fit in my purse Taking a tour of the town There were few tourists on a weekday in late October The tower for the Kasbah See the kitten on the ledge looking for scraps then laying in the sun So lucky to have few tourists A pretty doorway Entrance to the Kasbah OtherTangier