Road trip 2006

Only in Yuma...
A pretty shot
Inside a balloon being blown up
Getting the top put in
The balloon fills
Now add heat
And it stands upright
Almost ready
Getting just the right amount of heat
Look between the balloons as they rise
Two burners firing off at once
Up they go
Passing by
One launches while others prepare
Starting to warm the air
The balloon begins to rise
Almost ready to go
Another one ready to warm
Heating it up
Full up and ready to launch
Launching side by side by side
Balloons in all stages of rising
Getting some air
A line attached to the top helps control the rise
So pretty watching them go up
Each balloon has unique patterns and colors
Some of the special shapes finally getting up
Lisa and Asa enjoy the fun
People gather around as the launches begin
Running through the balloons
All different stages of launch
One starts while others are already up
A bird with a view
The Cosmic Muffin balloon
The flying pepsi can
Lots and lots of balloons off the ground
The wind shifts and the launch is a little too close
Too much wind for the bees to fly today
Flying shapes
The aquarium did not get to fly today
A view from below as it passes over
Go marines