Etosha Game Drive

A full day game drive in Etosha National Park
Another early morning drive into a National Park
Sunrise in Northern Namibia
There are zebras in abundance here
Herd management is difficult because the park is all fenced in
Giraffes are also plentiful here
Kori bustard the biggest fllying bird
Has very limited flying range though because of size
The lodge where we stayed outside the park
Our only lion sighting far away from the truck in the shade resting
Zebras at a watering hole
Small hole with water from solar pump
Jackal at watering hold
Also antelope in abundance at Etosha
At the former natural watering hole that has long since dried up
Oryx is Namibias National Animal
And in comes the black rhino to the watering hole
This gives us the last of the Big 5 animals
She saunters ever so slowly to the water
Everyone else drinks quickly and backs away from the edge while she is there
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Only one zebra took a chance the entire time she was drinking
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Shes finished up
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This is how unafraid the antelope are at Etosha
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A look at the salt pans which are 1800 sq miles formerly water filled
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An ostrich drinking at the tiny salt pans watering hold
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Looking across the pans in the heat of mid day
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Black ostrich is male and females and babies are brown
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Lunch break at watering hole near hotel in park
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Giraffes have to work hard to get down to water level
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An oryx stopping for a drink
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A family of four Kudus come in very cautiously for water
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Orxy cooling off
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A lone elephant comes in for a bath and a drink
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The we find the rest of the herd on the way in
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The guide positions our car just feet behind the crossing in the road
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Mama and baby in the herd
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The pass by the car and head for the watering hole
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You can see how close the car is to the crossing
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Rob does not need his long lens
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A big elephant stink eye
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The entire herd plays in the water and washes and drinks
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Even the babies are playing
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They splash water from their trunks to wash and cool off
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Two babies playing
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One baby on top of the other in typical sibling warfare
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And then the her leader says we are done and off they all go
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Four bulls come in after the herd
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The four bulls and the rest of the herd heading out
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Another pretty oryx face
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Another giraffe near the road
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Why did the giraffe cross the road